The issues identified include:

  • Concern for pedestrian crossing safety to the park, noting the alignment of the main park entrance at the Park Avenue and Riverview Avenue intersection which encourages pedestrian movements at this location.
  • Rat-running route.
  • Perceived high vehicle speeds.

Treatment for consideration:

  • Provision of a zebra crossing to provide a priority pedestrian crossing point near park entrance with speed cushion on approach.
  • This would improve safety for pedestrians crossing at this location. Note, the existing speed hump to the west encourages low speeds from this direction.
Zebra crossing and path connection

Picture for illustrative purposes only

Benefits of the suggested treatments (Riverview Grove and Park entrance raised intersection)

  • Improved driver awareness of pedestrians crossing road at/near park entrance
  • Priority pedestrian crossing
  • Improved pedestrian connectivity to park.


If you have questions about this suggested treatment, you can get in touch with us:

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đź“ž Call us on 9205 5555