The issues identified at these locations include:

  • Lack of footpath for pedestrians and confusion regarding current cycling facility (very short length, no connection to other cycling infrastructure).
  • Impeded sight distance near Foulkes Street (due to vegetation).
  • Constrained road width due to parking near corner.

Treatments for consideration:

  • Full time one-way operation of Adams Street (north) and Foulkes Street. This includes:
    • One-way northbound on Adams Street between Gibson Street and Foulkes Street.
    • One-way westbound on Foulkes Street between Yarralea Street and Adams Street.
  • Pavement marking / traffic islands could be implemented to support one-way operation. These traffic islands could comprise of garden beds with planting and/or trees.
  • Provision of continuous footpath / pedestrian pathway along Adams Street.
One-wat operation (anti-clockwise) for Adams Street (north) and Foulkes Street

Picture for illustrative purposes only

Benefits of this suggested treatment (converting to one-way operation (anti-clockwise) and provide continuous path facility on Adams Street)

  • Reallocate road space to pedestrians and cyclists (through linemarking) on Adams Street where there are currently no existing facilities.
  • Provide a safer route for pedestrians and young riders away from Yarralea Street.
  • Provide simpler traffic flows and reduce weaving between oncoming traffic;
  • Reduces confusion regarding the existing cycling facility.
  • Provides narrow points or similar measures to improve compliance with the one-way arrangement.

Others considerations

  • May be difficult to provide physical separation (drainage, driveways)
  • Deviation for locals.
  • As part of this study, we are also suggesting converting the existing part-time one-way operation around Alphington Primary School to a full-time one-way operation. Please refer to the treatment page using this link for more information. It is anticipated that these two treatments when both implemented will provide a complete and safe alternative route for vulnerable road users.


If you have questions about these suggested treatments, you can get in touch with us:

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đź“ž Call us on 9205 5555