The issues identified include:

  • In laneway:
    • pedestrian safety concerns due to poor protection from motor vehicles
    • potential for conflict between vehicles (opposing traffic unable to pass)
  • View Street near laneway:
    • perceived high vehicle speeds
    • concern for pedestrian crossing safety

Treatments for consideration:

  • Closure of laneway at western end. This would eliminate through traffic and limit traffic movements to properties along the laneway.
    • Access will still be retained for the properties that require access via the laneway.
  • Zebra crossing at View Street to connect laneway path to park path network with speed cushion on northern approach. Note, the existing speed hump to the south encourages low speeds from this direction.
Street closure, driveway entrance treatment, no through road sign

Picture for illustrative purposes only

Benefits of this suggested treatment (laneway closure and driveway entrance treatment)

  • Improved safety for pedestrians & cyclists
  • No through traffic.

Other considerations

  • Traffic will need to deviate to alternate streets.

Benefits of this suggested treatment (View Street zebra crossing)

  • Complete pedestrian priority connection between laneway and park
  • Encourage low vehicles speeds.


If you have questions about the suggested treatments, you can get in touch with us

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