The issues identified along Heidelberg Road include:
- Safety concerns for cyclists on Heidelberg Road. (Cyclists are currently required to mix with traffic on Heidelberg Road as no separate cycling facility is provided. It is noted that the route is identified as a Principle Bicycle Network.)
- Pedestrian safety concerns at Yarralea Street signals. (Short pedestrian phase, two pedestrian casualty crashes over last 5 years.)
- Gap selection is difficult for vehicles turning right onto Heidelberg Road (particularly at unsignalised intersections).
- Casualty crashes and near-misses along Heidelberg Road, including near misses at the new Pedestrian Operated Signals west of Miller Street.
- Concern regarding rat-running vehicles.
- Concern for high speed limit during school arrival and departure times.
The suggested treatments include advocating to the Department of Transport and Planning for:
- Improved cycling facilities on Heidelberg Road (or alternate route east/west).
- 40 km/h speed limit at school times to reduce risk for all road users, particularly pedestrians at these key times.
- Signal phasing at Yarralea Street intersection to be reviewed with aim of improving pedestrian safety and amenity (for example, pedestrian early start, extending pedestrian phase length and partially/fully continued right turns on Heidelberg Road).
- Mast arm to be added to existing pedestrian operated signals west of Miller Street to improve conspicuity of signals for vehicles travelling west and to reduce crash risk at this location.
- Pedestrian Operated signals on Heidelberg Road north of Old Heidelberg Road intersection.
It is also noted that new signals are proposed at Mills Boulevard and Heidelberg Road as part of the Yarra-Bend development which may help alleviate rat-running through to Yarralea Street signals, and reduce demand for right-turn at uncontrolled intersections.
Picture for illustrative purposes only
Benefits of this suggested treatment (future signals at Mills Boulevard as part of the Yarra-Bend development)
- Provide priority for vehicles exiting.
- Reduce intersection crash risk.
- Reduce rat-running through local streets.
- Priority pedestrian crossing opportunity.
Other considerations
- Potential traffic delays on Heidelberg Road.
Benefits of this suggested treatment (mast arm for pedestrian signals near Miller Street)
- Improved signal conspicuity
- Reduced crash risk.
Benefits of this suggested treatment (signal phase changes at Yarralea Street)
- Improved safety for pedestrians (increased pedestrian phase time).
Other considerations
- Traffic delays on Heidelberg Road.
Benefits of this suggested treatment (improved cycling facility)
- Improved safety and amenity for cyclists.
Other considerations
- Constrained environment (difficult to fit dedicated facility on Heidelberg Road without loss of traffic lane).
Benefits of this suggested treatment (40 km/h school times speed limit)
- Improved safety for all road users at busy times.
Other considerations
- Perceived increase in travel time along Heidelberg Road (travel time will mostly be affected by signals along route & congestion).
Benefits of this suggested treatment (Pedestrian Operated Signals north of Old Heidelberg Road)
- Priority pedestrian crossing opportunity
- Creates gaps for turning traffic due to signal operation.
Other considerations
- Potential traffic delays on Heidelberg Road
- No/very low existing pedestrian crossing demand so it is unlikely the Department of Transport and Planning will provide support for Pedestrian Operated Signals.
If you have questions about these suggested treatments, you can get in touch with us:
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