
Transport Action Plan adopted by Council

19 March 2024

Pink banner with words that say 'closing the loop'

Yarra’s first 10-year Transport Action Plan was endorsed by Council at the Council Meeting on Tuesday 12 March.

Purpose of the consultation

In September and October 2023, we shared the draft Transport Action plan with the Yarra community and asked you if we got it right.

Yarra's draft Transport Action Plan outlines the actions that we'll take to meet the ambitious targets in the Transport Strategy. It sets out a transparent framework to inform decision-making about transport in Yarra between 2023 and 2033.

The Transport Action Plan aims to help to free up space on our streets, provide safe and fair access for everyone and have a positive impact on the environment.

What did we ask?

We checked in with the community to see if they think the plan aligns to the Yarra Transport Strategy and responds to the transport needs of the Yarra Community.

We also asked the community if there were any actions in the 10-year plan that they believe have been missed, or that they think should be delivered sooner than scheduled.

Who did we hear from?

What we heard and how it influenced the final plan

The feedback we received from the community has informed and influenced the final version of the Transport Action Plan.

General themes from the responses received were:

  1. Support for the document and a desire for Council to ‘be bold’ get more done and to get it done more quickly in terms of project delivery.
  2. For Council to take more action on managing traffic and to genuinely increase opportunities for people to walk and cycle more.
  3. A call for more actions under the new deal for walking and to prioritise cycling projects.
  4. Various views regarding e-vehicles, the role of council in encouraging their take up and the extent to which they address Yarra’s transport challenges.
  5. Support for the New Deal for Schools
  6. Various views regarding e-scooters.

A full list of changes to the draft Transport Action Plan following the consultation is also provided in the Engagement Report below.

What comes next?

The Transport Action Plan outlines actions Council will take to meet the ambitious targets in Yarra's Transport Strategy 2022-32:

  • Upgrading 30 kilometres of the New Deal for Cycling Network to be compliant with Yarra’s standards
  • Delivering 50 additional spot improvements on Yarra’s ‘New Deal’ and ‘Neighbourhood’ Cycle Networks
  • Increasing overall cycling levels by 40%
  • Doubling the number of women cycling
  • Increasing bike parking (50 additional hoops per year)
  • Delivering 50 spot pedestrian improvements
  • Delivering 20 shared zones City of Yarra Transport Action Plan 2024-2034
  • Delivering 5 additional 30kp/h zones
  • Increasing the number of car share bays to 283 by 2024
  • Doubling the amount of active transport trips by 2032
  • Increasing public transport use by 10% by 2032

Visit the project page

To read more about this consultation please visit the Transport Action Plan project page.

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