Help create Yarra's first-ever Community Vision

We’re an inclusive and diverse community here in Yarra. We all have different interests, needs and hopes for the future. What do you want your future to look like?

We've been asking what needs to happen for Yarra to be the best it can be in 2035. Together we’re creating Yarra’s first ever Community Vision, which will guide all your council’s work over the next 15 years.

This is a once-in-a-generation chance to make your mark on this special place we all love. It’s also an opportunity to challenge some traditional ideas about how we live, work and play – particularly as we move into a post-COVID world.

Here's your vision

Our first-ever Community Vision was formally adopted at a council meeting on Tuesday 20 July 2021, after an extensive year-long community engagement process.

The Community Vision includes a statement describing a future Yarra in 2036:

Yarra is a vibrant, safe and inclusive environment. We celebrate and embrace our diversity and connection to each other and the land. Our community is empowered to work together and support one another with respect and trust.

It’s also broken down into eight vision themes – representing key areas of focus, each with its own priorities for Yarra’s future.

Earlier in the year councillors committed to receiving the vision as the community panel provided it.

Broad community engagement results

Thank you to everyone who took their time to share feedback with during this first stage of engagement. You can read a full report on the results here or by visiting the link down this page.

Between November 2020 and January 2021:

  • Over 1300 participants provided their input
  • 44% spoke to us in-person at one of our pop-up events held across Yarra
  • 56% engaged online via Your Say Yarra

It was fantastic to see young people so actively engaged in the process, with more 26 to 35-year-olds participating than any other age bracket.

We also heard loud and clear from our culturally and linguistically diverse communities, with 20% of people speaking a language other than English at home.

The big issues

In this first stage we’ll explore a range of themes and questions with you to help us understand what kind of future we want for Yarra.