What have we learnt from coronavirus?

We’ve all been affected differently by the sudden and unexpected coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As the closest level of government to the community, Yarra Council provided significant support to our residents, businesses and creative communities.

During the pandemic we also:

  • adapted our services to be available on online
  • carried out outreach to our vulnerable communities
  • communicated week to week changes to restrictions to our community

We know some were harder hit than others.

Our environment, sustainability and the climate emergency

If everyone in the world consumed the resources and fossil fuel-based energy as the average Victorian today, three to four planets would be needed to sustain us. And just like COVID-19, some will find it harder to respond to the climate emergency than others.

We know that extreme heat events are on the rise.

Adapting to a digital world and changing technology

Ten years ago hardly anybody had a smartphone. Now they’re essential in many parts of our everyday lives.

Yarra does not have a local newspaper. This means we rely more on digital media, such as social media or websites, for our source of information.

We can only try and predict what the next 15 years will bring, but technology is certain to impact how we learn, work and connect.

Nearly 10% of our households have no internet connection.

Something to think about