Yarra City Council has expanded the 30km speed limit area in Fitzroy and Collingwood with a new trial.

From May 2024 the existing 30km area has expanded to cover all remaining streets within Fitzroy and Collingwood, excluding major roads - Johnston Street, Nicholson Street, Hoddle Street, Alexandra Parade and Victoria Parade. These major roads are excluded as they are managed by the State Government, not Council.

The trial will run for up to 2 years. Council may reduce the length of the trial following the mid-trial reviews in 2025.

This trial is supported by the Department of Transport and Planning and the Transport Accident Commission.

Fitzroy and Collingwood are some of the busiest areas for vulnerable road users like people who walk or cycle. We want to make our streets are safer and more liveable for everyone, whether you are walking, driving or cycling. We also know that reducing the speed limit can significantly improve road safety.

Our initial 30km trial in the northern parts of Fitzroy and Collingwood resulted in great outcomes with a decrease in travel speeds, a reduction in crashes and resulting serious injuries and an increase in positive community feedback. We hope this trial will be able to build on that success.

Do you have a question about the 30km speed limit that we are trialling in Fitzroy and Collingwood?

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