An industrial past

Once an industrial hub, Collingwood has evolved into high-density mix of residential, business and commercial uses in renovated industrial buildings.

There is a significant lack of open space in the precinct due to this industrial past, and its population will continue to grow.

Our draft Open Space Strategy

Over 2,300 community members provided feedback on our draft Open Space Strategy, which identified Collingwood as a priority precinct. We heard a lot of support for new and innovative approaches to creating new open space.

You told us your priorities were:

  • more open space within walking distance
  • more trees and greening
  • reduction of urban heat.

What else did the community tell us?

“Collingwood is such a high density neighbourhood that having spaces where all feel welcome is very important.”
“We live in a culturally diverse neighbourhood – it is important to have opportunities to mix with people who are not the same as ourselves.”
“We have a great neighbourhood and community, but the one thing that’s missing is open space.”
“A simple park in Collingwood with grass and some trees is important to me!”

“We have a great neighbourhood and community, but the one thing that’s missing is open space.”