Heritage and Celebration
We acknowledge and celebrate our history and proudly support Yarra's LGBTIQA+ precinct and businesses.
It’s now time to step up and start building the next ambitious LGBTIQA+ strategy for 2026-2030. We’ve made a commitment to work together with our LGBTIQA+ community to create a new Strategy that is relevant to their ongoing and emerging needs.
We want Yarra's diverse community to be involved in creating the next LGBTIQA+ Strategy, every step of the way!
In 2024, we reviewed the existing LGBTIQA+ strategy, together with Yarra's Rainbow Advisory Committee. This included an audit of our programs and actions as well as an assessment of ongoing and emerging community needs.
Our current LGBTIQA+ Strategy 2021-2024 has focused on welcoming and celebrating diversity and building an inclusive Yarra through supporting, participating and connecting with our diverse LGBTIQA+ community. The strategy achieved some fantastic outcomes, including:
We acknowledge and celebrate our history and proudly support Yarra's LGBTIQA+ precinct and businesses.
We advocate for LGBTIQA+ people in Yarra, foster community connection & work towards reducing social isolation.
We promote visibility and maintain accessible LGBTIQA+ spaces.
We focus on improving LGBTIQA+ mental health, supporting young people, promoting alcohol-free activities & volunteering.
Sunday 19 January from 11am to 5pm
Come along and chat to the team at Yarra's stall at the Midsumma Festival - Midsumma Carnival.
Event held at Alexandra Gardens, Melbourne.
Sunday 9 February from 11am to 5pm
Come down and speak to us at Victoria's Pride Street Party,
Event held on Gertrude/ Smith Streets in Fitzroy/ Collingwood.
We need your ideas, comments and suggestions to make sure the LGBTIQA+ Strategy 2026-2030 represents the priorities of our diverse community. Share your thoughts and help shape the priorities and actions we take over the next 5 years.
There are 2 ways to share your ideas:
Please Note: The tool below uses a moderation system so you may not see your response right away.
All responses received will be recorded and kept in line with our Privacy Policy. All responses, regardless of whether they are published, will be kept and considered as part of this consultation.
Some responses may not be published if there is specific wording used that may be deemed offensive to some people or the comment contains personal or sensitive information.
Responses that do not directly relate to the topic may also not be published. Any comments that fall outside of this topic should be directed to Yarra City Council's customer services channels.
Timeline item 1 - active
Stage 1 - Gather community feedback and ideas
Friday 17 January to 9am Monday 17 February 2025
Seeking feedback and ideas from the community based on 4 key themes.
Timeline item 2 - incomplete
Review feedback and develop the draft policy
Early to mid-2025
We will take what you told us and use it to help shape the draft LGBTIQA+ Policy 2026-2030.
Timeline item 3 - incomplete
draft Strategy presented to Council
July and August 2025
We will share the draft Strategy with Councillors and seek their approval to go back out to the community.
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Stage 2 - draft Strategy presented to community for feedback
August and September 2025
We will ask for your help to review the draft Strategy and tell us what you think.
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Review feedback and make adjustments
September and October 2025
We will review your feedback and make any adjustments to the LGBTIQA+ Strategy before presenting it to Council.
Timeline item 6 - incomplete
Final LGBTIQA+ Strategy presented to Council
November and December 2025
We will seek approval from Council to adopt the Final LGBTIQA+ Strategy 2026-2030.
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If you want to find out more in your own language, please call our interpreter service on 9280 1940.
Sign up for our Your Say Yarra newsletter to never miss a chance to have your say.
Phone: +61 3 9205 5555
Email: info@yarracity.vic.gov.au
National Relay Service 133 677
(ask for 03 9205 5555)