This consultation is closed.
Project update - February 2024
The LGBTIQA+ Heritage Study has progressed significantly over the last year. The overall study was divided into two parts. Part 1 was completed in July 2023 and has resulted in:
- Preparation of a comprehensive list of places within Yarra that are important to the LGBTIQA+ community. This has been informed by the consultation that took place in early 2023.
- Preparation of brief citations of places where information was available.
- Identification of a list of places of potential heritage significance. Further research and assessment work on these places forms part 2 of the Study.
- Recommendations about ways of promoting other places that do not meet the State Government's criteria for heritage listing.
- Identification of themes for inclusion in Yarra’s Thematic History, to promote LGBTIQA+ History of Yarra.
Currently, we are progressing Part 2 of the LGBTIQA+ Heritage Study. As indicated above, this part of the study includes further research and assessment of places against the State Government's criteria for heritage protection.
It is anticipated that the complete draft study (both part 1 and 2) will be presented to Council in August - September 2024.
Find out more about the project:
We want to do more to recognise places, buildings and objects that are historically important to our LGBTIQA+ communities.
As part of our LGBTIQ+ Strategy 2021-2024, we are working to identify and document locations that are historically important to LGBTIQA+ communities, to ensure they will be celebrated and understood into the future.
We have a compiled list of places, buildings and objects that may have special association with LGBTIQA+ communities.
This work is informed by our LGBTIQ+ Strategy 2021-2024, State Government research, our partnership with Queer-ways Melbourne and community outreach delivered by our Council officers.
How did you help?
We asked you to share your personal insights and memories about places, buildings or objects that are special to LGBTIQA+ communities so we can better understand, protect and celebrate Yarra’s LGBTIQA+ heritage. Your feedback will help us in updating the Thematic History of Yarra and may inform statements of significance used in our heritage listing.
You did this by dropping pins on the map below, to share information on an already identified place, building and object or by nominating an additional place/ building or object which is of historical importance. We also received a series of surveys for those who wanted to contribute privately.
We received almost 200 contributions through our map and survey on places, buildings and objects that are historically significant to LGBTIQA+ communities. Thank you all for providing your feedback.