
Miller Street traffic management upgrades in Fitzroy North scheduled for construction in early 2025.

14 November 2024

In line with our commitment to safer streets in Yarra, Council conducted a Local Area Place Making (LAPM) study for the North Fitzroy precinct in 2018. Within this study we heard from people who walk, ride bicycles and drive around this precinct to help us understand where and what type of road safety issues might need addressing.

The findings and treatments for this area were presented within a Local Area Place Making Plan that was endorsed by Council at a Council Meeting on Tuesday 5 March 2019. This document included plans to upgrade the existing slow points on Miller Street to full width road humps and bicycle cut-throughs.

The design for the Miller Street traffic treatments were further developed and presented to the community in late 2023. After receiving feedback on the design, two options were presented to Council:

At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 9 April 2024, Council resolved to proceed with option A. View the final design by clicking the link below.

We will be delivering the Miller Street traffic management upgrades thanks to a Victorian Government investment of $546,000 through the Safer Local Roads and Streets Program. In addition to funding allocated by Council, this investment will allow for the full delivery of works this financial year.

Preliminary work will take place over 1 week from Monday 16 December before work begins from Monday 6 January 2025. This will take approximately 6 weeks to deliver.

Buses will continue to operate on Miller Street during construction, however there will be various detours in place for other traffic as construction progresses along the street.

Traffic management will be in place during the works, although there will be disruptions to access and delays while we deliver the road safety improvements.

More detailed information on the works will be provided to affected residents in the lead up to delivery.

These road safety treatments are funded by the Victorian Government though the Safe Local Roads and Streets Program, which is providing $210 million to improve the safety of local roads across Victoria.