Thanks to everyone who contributed. This consultation is closed, your feedback will help shape this space.

We've created a design for a vibrant new public space at the northeast corner of Gertrude and Brunswick Streets.

This idea was raised during our consultation for the Brunswick Street Streetscape Masterplan and there was strong community support for a new public space at this location (over 80%).

We have considered the following elements to make sure we’re meeting the needs of our diverse community:

Part of the site is located on Atherton Gardens, which is owned by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH). The use of this land as a public space will require formal approval, with negotiations currently taking place with DFFH and Homes Victoria.

An integrated artwork for the new space

The new proposed Gertrude and Brunswick Streets corner design will also complement other initiatives in the surrounding areas, including the upcoming installation of the Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter statues in Atherton Gardens.

We'll be having separate discussions with the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation and key stakeholders from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to understand how the space is significant for them and their stories, so that this can be incorporated into the design as part of an integrated artwork for the space.

Take a look at the proposed Concept Design

Views of the proposed public space

Have your say

Fill in the survey below and tell us what you think about the proposed design.

Please provide your feedback by 9am on Monday 18 December 2023.