Elizabeth Street update – September 2020
18 September 2020
You have told us that you have some concerns about parking availability on Elizabeth St. This is how we have responded:
- We have installed prominent signage on the corner of Shelley and Elizabeth streets to direct visitor parking towards the paid parking options on Buttler Street. This will support better availability of residential parking in Elizabeth Street.
- We are investigating adjusting permit parking spaces west of Jonas Street to non–restricted parking after 7pm. This will allow better access to the Baker street studio which operates after business hours.
- We have put options to the community to adjust some permit parking for courier parking, passenger transport parking and disability parking. An additional disability park was introduced at the beginning of the trial
- We are working individually with residents who are undertaking construction work at their property and require access for trades and building supply delivery.
- We are continuing to conduct regular parking studies in order to monitor parking availability across the neighbourhood throughout the trial. We are also conducting interim assessments of parking availability, looking more specifically at Elizabeth Street and some side streets.. This study may also inform where parking restrictions in side streets could be adjusted throughout the trial
- We are also continuing to take into account the impact of Covid 19 Restrictions.
You have raised some concerns about safety and this is how we have responded:
- We are working with Victoria police who are now introducing bike patrols in local side streets.
- We have advocated to DHHS to improve lighting and investigate other safety measures in the Elizabeth Street high rise public housing estate car park.
- We are advocating to the local member Hon. Richard Wynne MP for funding to upgrade lighting in Jonas Street
- We are addressing the current lighting function in little Hoddle Street to ensure lighting is working.
- We have removed some bollards to lessen visual clutter and improve sight lines.
- We are continuing to investigate ways we can improve the experience for cyclists and motorists at the intersection of Shelley and Regent Streets.
- We are placing approximately 40 signs at regular intervals along the north side of Elizabeth Street to remind drivers to look for bikes when opening car doors
- Temporary “Look for bike” stencils have been painted on the footpath on both sides to support pedestrian awareness.
- Before launching the trial we adjusted the detector technology at traffic lights to detect bikes at intersections.
- We want to reassure our community that the reflective panels on the temporary bollards are designed to fade which will minimise them causing a distraction.
We have heard your concerns about keeping our street green and this is how we have responded:
- The established larger trees in Elizabeth Street around the Shelley Street section will be protected.
- We are listening to suggestions around landscaping options and choice of planting should the trial become permanent