
Elizabeth Street update – April 2023

12 April 2023

cyclists using the protected bike lanes on Elizabeth Street

A report will be presented to Council on the Elizabeth Street protected bike lane trial on Tuesday 18 April 2023.

Council has been seeking comments and feedback about the new traffic and road layout conditions created using temporary infrastructure in real time since the trial began in July 2020.

Thank you to all the pedestrians, motorists and cyclists who provided feedback.

At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 18 April, Council will decide whether to make the temporary infrastructure installed at Elizabeth Street permanent.

We encourage you to read the report on Council’s website to learn more.

If you require any in language support to participate in the Council Meeting, or to read the report, including interpreters, please contact us by calling 03 9205 5555.

Vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi bằng cách gọi 03 9205 5555 nếu bạn cần bất kỳ hỗ trợ nào bằng ngôn ngữ của mình để tham gia Cuộc họp Hội đồng. Hãy cho chúng tôi biết nếu bạn cần một thông dịch viên để hỗ trợ việc gửi của bạn về chủ đề này.

如果您需要任何语言支持以参加理事会会议,请致电03 9205 5555与我们联系。让我们知道您是否需要口译员来支持您就此主题提交的材料。

如果您需要任何語言支持以參加理事會會議,請致電03 9205 5555與我們聯繫。讓我們知道您是否需要口譯員來支持您就此主題提交的材料。