Please note: The content below is based on the draft Cremorne Urban Design Framework (UDF) that was open for community feedback from Monday 7 November to Monday 12 December 2022. This may not be reflective of the revised UDF that was endorsed by Council at the Council Meeting on Tuesday 12 September 2023. A further round of consultation will occur early next year to finalise the UDF and exhibit the proposed permanent planning provisions. We will conduct this stage of consultation once we receive approval from the Victorian Government. This page will be updated at that time. Click here for more information.
Vision for Cremorne West
Cremorne West will form the heart of the Cremorne ‘Enterprise Precinct’ with diverse global and local creative and innovative businesses. It will be a vibrant and busy commercial precinct, with activity spilling out onto its streets.
Cremorne Street will be reimagined as a leafy pedestrian and cycle friendly spine linking Richmond Station to the Birrarung Precinct to the south. Buildings on larger sites will be set back off the street to provide space for widened footpaths, seating, greenery and welcoming entrances to buildings.
Access will be improved to the revitalised Richmond Station with an improved crossing at Swan and Cremorne Streets and public space marking the entrance to Cremorne West from the Station Precinct.
The Bendigo Kangan Institute (BKI) Campus, at the heart of the precinct, will become a creative and digital education and community hub for the Enterprise Precinct. The campus will provide education facilities and new public spaces around the historic Cremorne Primary School buildings which will welcome the wider community into the campus.
The Precinct will be characterised by its eclectic mix of heritage terraces, industrial buildings and high quality contemporary commercial buildings which respect the fine grain character and narrow streets.
Taller buildings of eight to nine storeys will be focussed on Cremorne Street and Stephenson Street north along the railway line with heights transitioning down to the residential areas in the west and south of the Precinct.
Stephenson and Balmain Streets will also become important green walking and cycling corridors, linking east and western Cremorne and will have small intimate public spaces to meet and rest.
Bendigo Kangan Institute – Strategic site
The Bendigo Kangan Institute campus plays an important role in the long-term strategic future of the area. The site includes a series of institutional buildings, including State and locally significant heritage buildings, set within a carpark and landscape setting. There are limited links through the site.
The Bendigo Kangan Institute is a revitalized and vibrant campus that forms the community heart of Cremorne West, where students, entrepreneurs and industry come to learn and collaborate. The campus will be connected to the wider community and businesses.
A series of contemporary buildings will be designed and located within a landscaped setting that will cement BKIs reputation as an essential educational institution within Cremorne. The new buildings will create a visually interesting skyline and streetscape around the Former Cremorne Primary School. School buildings are reused or sensitively redeveloped to retain the integrity and a sense of history of site.
A new open space is located to the south of the Former Cremorne Primary School buildings. Other new spaces will be created providing different experiences and fulfilling different needs. An internal laneway network is well-integrated into the surrounding street network drawing the public through the site.