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Please note: The content below is based on the draft Cremorne Urban Design Framework (UDF) that was open for community feedback from Monday 7 November to Monday 12 December 2022. This may not be reflective of the revised UDF that was endorsed by Council at the Council Meeting on Tuesday 12 September 2023. A further round of consultation will occur early next year to finalise the UDF and exhibit the proposed permanent planning provisions. We will conduct this stage of consultation once we receive approval from the Victorian Government. This page will be updated at that time. Click here for more information.

Vision for Church Street Precinct

The Church Street Precinct will be a thriving mid-rise retail and commercial corridor with a mix of offices, company headquarters, showrooms, retail and cafes focussed on Church Street.

Church Street will provide a tree lined transport link between the Swan Street Activity Centre and the Yarra River with safe and attractive walking and cycling routes and accessible tram stops. Key east-west streets off Church Street will link the precinct to other parts of Cremorne and will be enhanced with kerb outstands, planting and improved footpaths.

East Richmond Station will be revitalised. Its prominence in the streetscape will be enhanced with improved accessibility from Church Street, Swan Street and the residential areas of Cremorne.

The precinct’s character will continue to be defined by modern development interspersed with large scale industrial heritage, corner pubs and other fine grained heritage buildings. The key heritage buildings including remnant shops and corner pubs and also the landmark Bryant and May buildings will be showcased through sensitive redevelopment.

The Church Street spine will be defined by taller buildings of up to ten storeys with lower scale buildings in the side streets transitioning to the residential edges.

Bryant and May – Strategic site

The Bryant and May Former Industrial Complex site is an important part of Cremorne's industrial history as one of the first large-scale manufacturing businesses operating in Cremorne. The complex is also of State heritage significance. The Bryant and May Complex is a group of robust buildings set within grounds with large areas of same level carparking. Taller elements such as the clocktower and chimney are highly visible from the immediate streets and contribute to the overall image of Cremorne.


The Bryant & May Complex will host multiple high-quality contemporary buildings sited and designed to maintain the prominence of the State significant industrial complex and to create a visually interesting skyline and streetscape surrounding the complex. Views to the chimney, towers and prominent facades will be enhanced.

Buildings are set within a network of publicly accessible links and spaces that tie the site into the broader urban fabric of the Church Street Precinct and surrounds. Significant buildings are reused and sensitively redeveloped. The retention of the tennis courts and pavilion add to the sense of history of the site.

Adelaide Street is reimagined as a green shared street connecting Church Street to the Railway Precinct to the west. A landscape setback along Balmain Street enhances the landscape setting of the heritage tennis pavilion and provides opportunities for seating along the streetscape.

534 Church Street – Strategic site

A straight-lined, east-west site fronting four streets – Church, William, Adelaide and Chestnut. It is currently occupied by multiple buildings including a 7-storey office complex (fronting Church Street), single storey warehouses and a two-storey car park (fronting Chestnut Street). There is a limited amount same level car parking within the site. The rear portion of the site occupied by the car park is zoned General Residential Zone (GRZ2).


A series of contemporary buildings set within a network of publicly accessible connections. Buildings are sited and designed to respond to each of the street interfaces, creating high quality, human-scaled streetscapes. Building massing is carefully located to maintain the prominence of the Bryant and May building as viewed from Chestnut Street.

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