The key issue on Turner Street is high vehicle speeds.

What is the proposed treatment?

The proposal includes:

  • Road humps to calm traffic to operating speeds of less than 40km an hour.
  • Delineation of parking and traffic lanes.
  • Intermittent tree planting to improve amenity and passive speed calming between Rich Street and Trenerry Crescent. This will be subject to finding locations to plant trees near underground services.
  • Install sharrows for cyclists to share road space with cars in the low speed environment.

Find out more by clicking on the spots below. You can view in full screen using the button in the top-right corner.

Birds eye view of Turner Street near Victoria Park
Birds eye view of Turner Street at Bath Street

Benefits of this proposed treatment

The benefits of this option are:

  • It will reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety.
  • Reduce the likelihood of cyclist dooring by providing a wider parking lane and encouraging cyclists to share road space with cars.


If you would like to find out more about this proposed treatment, you can get in touch with us:

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