
March 2023 update - Recognising our LGBTIQA+ Heritage

9 March 2023

Yarra councillors on Smith Street for Victoria Pride in February 2023

Yarra Councillors on Smith Street for Victoria Pride in February 2023.

We received almost 200 contributions through our map and survey on historically significant sites for LGBTIQA+ communities. Thank you for all your insights.

All feedback received, regardless of whether it was posted publicly or not, will be compiled and provided to our heritage consultants, GML Heritage.

This next stage of the heritage study will be more targeted research at the sites we’ve identified as well as the ones you put forward.

For those participants who elected to be part of the next stage of the consultation and provided contact details, our heritage consultant may reach out to you directly to ask you more about your feedback.

The findings of this consultation and the results of the heritage study will be compiled by our consultant and presented to councillors later in the year.