
Yarra's first ever Night Time Economy Strategy - public comment opportunity on the draft

11 April 2014

The Strategy is a five year program of activities to further improve Yarra’s entertainment precincts and modify the way we deliver our services outside business hours.

Three objectives form the draft strategy:

  • a safe, vibrant and functional NTE and each address the three main service gaps identified from Council’s consultation and research undertaken in 2012 and 2013:
  • better responses to predictable amenity impacts (noise, litter) from night activity
    improved services and infrastructure to support entertainment precincts and public spaces used at night (toilets, streetscapes, transport infrastructure)
  • more diverse activities at night, not centred on alcohol and involving people of all ages

  • Draft Night Time Economy Strategy (1.77 MB)

Have your say:

The draft strategy is available for public comment till 23 May 2014. If you would like to make a submission on the draft strategy, it can be sent by email to or call Susan on 9205 5156.