
Rushall Reserve shared path decision - Council Meeting 21 July 2015

11 August 2015

At the Yarra Council meeting held on the 21 July, Council noted the wide range of views on the proposed Rushall Reserve shared path and asked for a design to be developed, discussed with the community, and submitted to Council for consideration.

Council officers have been asked to draft a design of a pathway, on the basis that the new pathway design follows (as far as practical), the west side of Rushall Reserve generally abutting the railway embankment.

The path design will aim to retain significant native trees as far as practical, and should incorporate features to encourage slower cyclist speeds.

Council also resolved that officers hold discussions with VicTrack and Public Transport Victoria, to seek improvements to the railway underpass and secure bicycle parking at the station.

Current park users will also be consulted on whether the existing asphalt path should be retained, extended or replaced with turf.

About 100 residents attended the Council meeting at the Fitzroy Town Hall, with more than 15 people making individual presentations.

Contact Council officers to stay kept up to date on this project.

For more information and to view the full Council resolution, visit the Rushall
Reserve webpage

Next Steps:

Officers will arrange for a design of the pathway, which may take some months, including consultation with VicTrack.Once a design has been completed, the community will then be consulted on that design, as well as whether the existing path should be retained or removed.