Thank you for telling us your experiences with flooding and rising water levels. The information we received from the consultation corroborated the data that had been gathered by our flooding consultant and Melbourne Water. Using this data we have been able to finalise a series of flood maps to understand how severe weather events impact out city. These maps are in line with:
- our community’s experiences
- best practice design
- an approach benchmarked across multiple Councils
These flood maps will inform planning controls that will ensure future developments are better designed to avoid the impacts of overflow in our stormwater network created during a severe storm.
These planning controls will comprise of updated stormwater maps under the Building Regulations and a Special Building Overlay (SBO). These are additional preventative measures and are designed to set appropriate conditions and floor levels to mitigate possible flood risk.
Our goal is to have the Special Building Overlay drafted in 2025 as we begin the formal planning scheme amendment process. This will be presented to Council and require approval from the State Government before it is exhibited to the community. You will have a chance to submit a comment on this amendment during the exhibition period.
What happens in the meantime?
The flood map data is available using the link below to help you understand your individual circumstances and if your property will be affected.
View our flood mapping data
Find out more about this process and use the interactive map to confirm whether your property is affected under the Building Regulations.