This consultation has closed.

Thank you for your feedback on the draft Property Strategy.

We are currently reviewing all feedback received.

We have received a large amount of feedback relating to officer delegations and the acquisition and sale of properties.

Based on this feedback officers will be recommending that any future property acquisitions and sales should be a decision of the Council and this will be reflected in the final strategy that will be considered by Council for adoption in August.

Project background

Yarra City Council manages a significant property portfolio on behalf of the community.

We are responsible for all property management functions for buildings owned by Council. This includes the investment, acquisition, operation, maintenance, and disposal of properties. To support and govern this, Council adopted its first Property Strategy in 2018.

We're building on the previous Strategy to provide a more comprehensive property management approach. The revised Strategy includes a clear decision-making framework to guide how Council manages its properties and ensure that everyone in our community can fairly access and benefit from our properties.

The revised Strategy also sets out a series of strategic property objectives to guide our work in this space moving forward.

These Strategic Property Objectives are:

  • Realise maximum community benefit

    Our community is at the heart of all we do. In the first instance, we are committed to leveraging our properties to create and facilitate community benefit.

  • Right properties in the right locations

    Our properties are a key enabler of our service delivery and provide the infrastructure to support quality community service. With service needs, levels and mixes constantly changing, we need to be able to respond to ensure our property portfolio is aligned.

  • Toward financial sustainability

    Our Financial Sustainability Strategy underscores the need for us to review all facets of Council service delivery and operations to ensure we are fit to thrive into the future. As one of our highest value assets and a significant area of expense, our property management approach must live the values of the strategy.

  • Maximise property utilisation and activation

    Our property resources are finite and highly valuable, and we need to make sure that all our assets are working the hardest that they can.

  • Transparent and equitable property allocation

    Use of Council property is in high demand, and we need to make difficult decisions about how we prioritise access. This property strategy and our supporting operational practices need to be clear so that all interested parties know how and why we make our decisions.

  • Good governance in property decision making

    As the custodian of Yarra’s property portfolio, we need to champion best practice governance in all of our decision making. We need to be clear about the process for making decisions and who is authorised to make various property related decisions.

Provide your feedback

The draft Property Strategy outlines a guiding framework for how Council will manage its property portfolio over the next 5 years. Now is your chance to provide feedback on the Strategy before the document is adopted later this year.

Please provide your feedback before the consultation closes at 9am on Monday 24 June.