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We're analysing what you told us and finalising the Play Space Strategy to be considered by Council for adoption.

Learn more about this consultation

Your feedback has helped us develop a draft Play Space Strategy for Yarra. Let us know if we've got the priorities and goals right.

Our Vision: "Yarra’s play spaces will enhance the wider open space network, be engaging and adaptable, connect to place and be welcoming to all our community".

The Play Space Strategy aims to provide quality play spaces within walking distance of where people live, work and play in Yarra. We want to make sure that play spaces across the network complement each other, reflect local character and serve the needs of people of different ages and abilities.

Yarra's population is growing, and we know that access to open spaces is limited. The Play Space Strategy will help us to prepare for the future by providing a strategic framework to guide the planning, allocation, development and upgrade of play spaces in Yarra over the next 10 years.

Draft Play Space Strategy

To develop the draft Play Space Strategy, we conducted research on best practice, innovative trends and examples of play spaces in other locations to apply to Yarra’s unique situation. We undertook site assessment at 37 facilities across Yarra to make observations and assess quality of design, fitness for use and condition.

In late 2023, we asked you to tell us about your favourite play spaces, how you like to use play spaces and for your suggestions about where improvements could be made.

We heard what you told us, and your priorities, ideas and suggestions have helped shape the draft Play Space Strategy. We also received some insightful ideas from children and young people. Scroll down to read more.

Using your feedback, we've developed a draft Play Space Strategy. Now it's your turn - take a look and let us know if we've got the priorities and goals right.

The 5 principles

The draft Play Space Strategy contains 5 principles, each with a set of goals, that guide our vision for how we will plan for and deliver play spaces in Yarra.

  • 1. Respond to changing needs in our community.

  • 2. Promote a diversity of experience across the city.

  • 3. Support accessibility, inclusion & participation.

  • 4. Promote healthy living, through activity & social connection.

  • 5. Be well designed & sustainable.

What is a play space?

"Play" means to engage in activity for enjoyment, recreation or wellbeing. Play happens in a range of play spaces and includes both structured and unstructured activities.

A play space can include

Why do we play?

One of the most common recreation activities of humans is play. Play is seen in its most common form in children, freely chosen, spontaneous and self-directed.

We can however learn from our observations of children’s play that its benefits have much wider implications for everyone in our community no matter their age, ability, gender, or background. The benefits of play inlcude:

  • physical activity - play is about body movement of various kinds
  • social connection – play is about cultivating a scenario by which we come together and negotiate relationships in our interactions and games.
  • creativity and innovation – play is about adapting, and re-imagining found materials and environments, storytelling, and inner expression. Play breeds joy and is an immersive and emotive experience which improves our wellbeing.

Stage 1 consultation

This consultation is now closed. We used your feedback to develop a draft Play Space Strategy.

The Play Space Strategy will guide our decision making and priorities around play spaces for the next 10 years.

To develop Yarra's first Play Space Strategy we began by investigating current research, innovative trends and examples of play spaces to apply to Yarra’s unique situation.

We undertook site assessments (including playgrounds, skate, multi-use courts, recreational games and fitness equipment) at 37 facilities in Yarra to make observations and assess quality of design, fitness for use and condition.

We then we went out to the community for the first stage of community engagement, in October and November 2023. Our engagement activities included:

  • Your Say Yarra page with online survey
  • targeted workshops with children, young people and key community representatives
  • 3 face-to-face pop up engagement sessions at:
    • the Collingwood Children’s Farm (Children’s Week Activities)
    • Fitzroy North Primary School Fair
    • Gleadell Street Market in Richmond in October.

We asked you to tell us about your favourite play spaces, what you like about them and what we could do to improve play spaces in Yarra.

What did our community tell us?

You told us that the most important features of play spaces were:

  • shade
  • variety of play experiences
  • equipment for all ages
  • close to home.

You told us that your most preferred recreation activities were:

  • social meetups/BBQs/picnics
  • cycling and bike paths
  • walking/jogging
  • kick-to-kick.

Children's activity

Children were invited to draw their dream play space. The top 3 themes to emerge from these drawings were:

  1. playground and play equipment
  2. nature and Greenery
  3. active and passive recreation.

Community workshop

Attendees at a workshop for community groups identified several challenges for Yarra’s play spaces, including:

  • physical accessibility
  • support for intellectual and/or sensory requirements
  • support for older people
  • proximity to different transport options
  • a diversity of play experiences
  • perceptions of safety
  • building social opportunities for parents and caregivers
  • cultural recognition and safety
  • welcoming spaces for LGBTIQA+ people and their families.

Engagement Results

A total of 334 participants were involved in this engagement. This includes online participation as well as people who attended in person 'pop up' sessions, children's activities and direct outreach with young people.

We listened to what you told us, and your priorities and suggestions have helped shape the draft Play Space Strategy. Read the Stage 1 Community Engagement Report for more details about this stage of engagement.

Contact us

Phone: +61 3 9205 5555


National Relay Service 133 677
(ask for 03 9205 5555)

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