This consultation is closed. Thank you for your feedback.
Project update September 2021
Earlier this year we heard from over 300 community members with a broad range of interests in this decision. Council will now consider your feedback and options at a public Council meeting on Tuesday 5 October.
Read the report and options to be considered here on the Council agenda. You can also see more information about attending Council meetings here.
We're considering how the eastern section of Old Heidelberg Road in Alphington is to be used
Currently, the eastern section of Old Heidelberg Road is used exclusively by Alphington Grammar School, which has erected gates and does not allow the public to pass through and access Darebin Creek.
At a Council Meeting late last year, Council resolved to consult with the community and review how this land is used, in particular the need for public access to the eastern portion of Old Heidelberg Road.
This includes whether this section of Old Heidelberg Road should remain open and be accessible to the public, or if it should remain closed completely.
In 1953, this area was licenced for use by Alphington Grammar School by the former City of Northcote, which was the local government area at the time. This section of Alphington became part of the City of Yarra in 1994 when some smaller councils amalgamated.
In the 68 years that have followed, the area has experienced significant growth and the local government area boundaries have changed. It is now timely to consider how this space is allocated, particularly after receiving a number of formal complaints from residents.
The main area of concern expressed by residents is the installation of gates along the northern and southern footpaths that inhibit pedestrian access to Darebin Creek.