
Coming up in April/May

18 May 2022

Keep an eye out for these projects coming soon:

We're ready for the next chapter

After extensive community consultation last year you shared your vision for Yarra Libraries next chapter. This was used to inform our draft Yarra Libraries Strategic Plan 2022-2026. We are now keen to hear from you about what we got right or if there is anything we have missed.

Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032 and draft Asset Management Policy 2022-2026

Our assets are made up of our Council buildings, transport assets, stormwater assets and open space. We want to know what you think about our draft Asset Plan 2022-2032 and draft Asset Management Policy 2022-2026 and the different topics they cover.

Circular Economy Strategy 2022/30 and Action Plan

We'll be checking how much you know about this important waste and sustainability approach and finding out how Council can support you to make good decisions from the point of purchase right through to repurposing or avoiding waste at the other end of the cycle. Take a short survey to let us know how your household uses, reuses, and disposes of products.