Our current Local Law will be expiring on 1 September 2026. We are now beginning the process of reviewing our Local Law to ensure the new document includes changes in legislation and reflects contemporary issues experienced by our growing community.
The Local Law is set by local councils to address issues and protect the health and safety of the community. The laws within a Local Law address areas that are not well covered by State or Federal legislation.
We are now seeking community feedback to inform the development of our new Local Law. This will provide us with a better understanding of any current and emerging issues and provide an opportunity for you to share your ideas to improve the local laws in Yarra.
What is the Local Law
Our Local Law assists us in ensuring Yarra is a safe and secure place for our residents, visitors and businesses, to enjoy, live and thrive in.
Some examples of areas covered by the Local Law include:
Overflowing bins
Obstructions on footpaths
Outdoor dining
You can read the current Local Law and find out more by visiting the Local Law and legislation page on our website.
Focus areas
Since developing our Local Law in 2016 we have received feedback from across the community on a number of specific topics. We have listened to what you have said and have decided to use these topics as focus points for further discussion.
Click on a hotspot to find out what you have told us.
Contact us
Phone: +61 3 9205 5555
Email: info@yarracity.vic.gov.au
National Relay Service 133 677
(ask for 03 9205 5555)