This consultation is closed.

Thank you for your feedback on the proposed changes in the revised Governance Rules. We are currently reviewing your feedback.

The revised Governance Rules, along with the outcomes of the consultation, will be presented for consideration at a Council Meeting later this year.

Learn more about the consultation

Good governance is fundamental to Yarra City Council. Governance Rules are heavily informed by legislative requirements in the Local Government Act 2020.

All Councils are required to have a set of rules that govern how Council Meetings and Delegated Committee Meetings are conducted.

We are seeking community feedback on our revised Governance Rules which includes the following proposed changes:

  • To repeal the requirement for community members to submit their question up to 24 hours in advance for public question time at Council Meetings.
  • To require a person asking a question to provide their contact details for the purpose of any necessary follow-up response to the matter raised.

Currently, community members are required to submit their question up to 24 hours in advance of the Council Meeting. In the revised Governance Rules, we are proposing to remove the requirement to submit questions in advance as part of public question time. This proposal comes as part of comes as part of a resolution of Council at the Council Meeting on Tuesday 26 November.

We are also proposing to require a person asking a question to provide their contact details for the purpose of any follow-up response to the matter raised. Contact details will be provided confidentially and in accordance with Council’s Privacy Policy.

Read the revised Governance Rules

A version of the draft with the amendments noted is available using the link below