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Project update - 2024

Notice of Intention to Declare a Bridge Road Special Charge Scheme 2024 to 2030

At its meeting on 18 June 2024, Yarra City Council resolved to propose the declaration of a Special Charge under section 163(1) of the Local Government 1989.

The current Special Charge Scheme for the Bridge Road precinct, which has been in place since 2018, expires on Monday 30 September 2024.

The Bridge Road Mainstreet Inc. (BRMS or Association) has formally requested that Yarra City Council renew the current Special Charge for a further 5 year and 9-months, commencing on 1 October 2024 and concluding on 30 June 2030. Council has considered this request and has agreed to proceed with the request.

BRMS, in partnership with Council, has undertaken a review of their current program under the Special Charge Scheme to identify potential activities to guide the expenditure of any future Special Charge funds for Bridge Road.

This review has also assessed the degree of in principle support for the Special Charge Scheme by traders. This review has been conducted through targeted engagement including:

  • trader association committee meetings
  • meetings with individual businesses
  • a survey distributed to all businesses with a summary of achievements
  • information received via social and other forms of digital media
  • research and data analysis.

The re-establishment of the Special Charge will raise approximately $217,000 in the first year and is then proposed to increase by 4% each year until 30 June 2030. The scheme will be a partnership between the business operators, property owners and Council. The Special Charge amount is set out by BRMS and presented to Council. Council’s role is to act as the administrative body for the collection of the fund.

Council would like to hear from as many property owners, businesses and tenants as possible in the Bridge Road precinct in relation to this proposal, so that it is able to make an informed decision about whether or not to declare the Special Charge.

You can give your opinion to Council about the proposal by making a written submission under sections 163A and 223 of the Act and/or an objection in writing under section 163B of the Act in relation to the proposal.

Learn more about this project - 2018

This consultation is now completed.

We asked for submissions from business and property owners who were going to be impacted by the charge.

Bridge Road Mainstreet Inc Special Charge

The Bridge Road Mainstreet Inc. (BRMS or Association) has formally requested that Council renew the current Special Charge for a further six year period, commencing on 1 October 2018 and ending 30 September 2024.

Council has considered, and agrees, with the request from BRMS, and is now asking for submissions from business and property owners who will be impacted by the scheme.

The Special Charge: An investment fund to facilitate effective business and marketing activities

The re-establishment of the Special Charge, raising approximately $157,000 per annum over the next six years, will be a partnership between the business operators, property owners and Council. The partnership will proactively encourage commerce and business activity within the Bridge Road shopping precinct. Council considers that this will enable the entire shopping precinct to be strongly positioned through joint promotion, marketing and business development activities. A Special Charge can, and it is considered will, play a critical role in helping to fund these activities and initiatives.

It is called a "Special Charge" as required by the Local Government Act as Council will have the responsibility for levying the charge.

What is the proposed amount per property?

The key components of the Scheme as proposed by BRMS would apply as follows:

The Special Charge would apply to properties from:

  • Bridge Road, 2 to 662 inclusive;
  • Church Street, 196 to 280 inclusive;
  • Lennox Street,172 to 195 inclusive;
  • Waltham Street, 2a; and
  • Burnley Street, 174.

The Special Charge would apply differentially as follows:

  • $300 per ground floor property in Bridge Road;
  • $200 for other than ground floor properties in Bridge Road; and
  • $100 for properties located in streets other than Bridge Road.

It is expected that such a Scheme would raise $157,000.00 per annum.

The Special Charge would be introduced for a period of 6 years and would raise a total amount of $942,000.00.

It is considered that a ‘differential’ Special Charge would provide for a fairer and more reasonable distribution of the levy given the nature and extent of direct and indirect special benefit.

In establishing the criteria as the basis for the declaration of the Special Charge, the Council considers the appropriate criteria to be:

  • “ownership or occupation of rateable land that is used, or reasonably capable of being used for commercial, retail or professional purposes”.

The Council believes that the property which you own or occupy (together with all of the other properties and businesses included in the Scheme) will derive a ‘special benefit’ from the expenditure of the Special Charge funds.

If Council proceeds to declare the Special Charge, each person liable to pay the Special Charge will receive a levy notice to pay the amount of the Special Charge each year over a period of six years. This is in addition to the normal Council General Rates and Charges.

What will the money be spent on?

The expenditure of the proceeds of the Special Charge will be guided by the Bridge Road Business Plan, which is currently in final draft format. The Business Plan identifies strategic directions for the entire precinct, and there is a range of marketing, promotion, events, business support and advocacy identified which include:

  • Ongoing marketing, branding and promotion of the Bridge Road Precinct;
  • Effective communication with all businesses and stakeholders;
  • Supporting initiatives that influence the shopping environment;
  • Advocating for improvements;
  • Focus on digital marketing;
  • Encouraging community involvement in the Bridge Road precinct; and
  • Business development and support.

Who will pay the Special Charge?

The owner of a property is primarily liable to pay the Special Charge. However, many landlords have leasing arrangements which allow the Special Charge to be passed on to the tenant (for example, if the tenant is responsible for all outgoings). The decision about who is ultimately liable to pay the Special Charge is a matter between the landlord and the tenant under the terms of any lease arrangements.

Council wants you to be fully informed

In the attachment section to the right, is a copy of the (as published) Public Notice of Intention to Declare the Special Charge that appeared in “The Age” on 12 June 2018. The Public Notice outlines the purposes for which the Special Charge is being raised, and the manner in which it will be collected. Furthermore, Council has written to all property owners and tenants in the Bridge Road precinct and has provided them with a copy of the Public Notice.

It is important that you tell Council how you feel about this proposal now

Council would like to hear from as many persons as possible in relation to this proposal, so that it is able to make an informed decision about whether or not to declare the Special Charge.

You can give your opinion to Council about the proposal by making a written submission under sections 163A and 223 of the Act and/or an objection in writing under section 163B of the Act in relation to the proposal.

You can make a written submission or objection to the Council

Please make your submission and/or objection in relation to the proposed declaration of the Special Charge in writing and lodge it with the Council by Monday 16 July 2018 at 5pm. You can simply fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

You can also make a verbal submission at a Council Meeting on 7 August 2018

Council will formally consider any written submissions and take into account any objections received at a meeting of Council to be held at the Richmond Town Hall 333 Bridge Road on Tuesday 7 August 2018. If you lodge a written submission and request in that submission that you also wish to be heard in support of your written submission, you are entitled to speak on this item at the Council meeting.

Council will make a decision at its meeting on 21 August 2018

Following the consideration of any submissions and the taking into account of any objections, it is proposed that Council will decide whether or not to declare the Special Charge at its meeting on 21 August 2018. You are welcome to attend this meeting and will be advised, in due course, of Council’s decision.

Still have questions?

Please contact

Simon Osborne

9205 5398
Project Officer - Retail, Tourism and Marketing
Yarra City Council
PO Box 168, Richmond 3121

Life Cycle

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Public Notice of Proposed Declaration of Special Charge in The Age – June 12

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Notice of Intention to Declare letter mailed to all property owners and business operators with a copy of the Proposed Declaration of Special Charge Public Notice – June 13

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Submissions and objections due – July 16

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Council formally considers submissions and objections received – August 6 Council meeting

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Council makes a decision on proposed Scheme – 21 August 2018 Council meeting

Key Dates

12 June 2018

Open for responses

16 July 2018

Last day to submit response

(closes 5pm)

Bridge Road Precinct

Bridge Road Precinct

Proposed fee structure

Business location

Fee per annum

On Bridge Road - ground level


On Bridge Road - other than ground level


Address other than Bridge Road


Contact us

Phone: +61 3 9205 5555


National Relay Service 133 677
(ask for 03 9205 5555)

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