We're proposing to upgrade the Alphington Bowls Club to provide improved bowling club facilities, a better multi-use community space, upgraded amenities and improved access.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the proposed design.
We'll use your feedback to inform the final design for the upgrade.
We've created the proposed design for the upgrade based on:
- Feedback from key stakeholders including representatives from the bowls club.
- Current standards for sporting pavilions and Bowls Victoria Standards including accessibility compliance.
- The proposed design has been developed, keeping in mind the impact on the surrounding park.
What is included in the proposed design?
We want to upgrade the current building to provide a modern, inclusive community and sporting facility.
The proposed design includes:
- club social room and commercial kitchen, community room, indoor and outdoor facilities to BBQ, club storage, and associated amenities.
- The facilities will allow for alternate users such as yoga and Pilates classes and regular groups such as the Angling Club to use the building
- The proposed facilities support a higher level of integration between the north and southern greens for major competitions.
- The larger casual BBQ area and associated facilities can be used for many social and informal bowling programs such as barefoot bowls, mums and bubs etc.
See the full proposed designs.
Is the proposed design sustainable?
We're aiming for the building to achieve a 6-star green star equivalent rating. This includes:
- solar panels
- water harvesting for use in the onsite toilets
- higher than average insulation for the new roof
- 6-star WELS rated fittings for energy and water efficiencies
- increase in the number of bike racks on site.