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Thanks for sharing your ideas to make Yarra age-friendly and support our residents aged 50+. We're currently reviewing your feedback and will report back shortly.

About this project

Did you know that almost 27% of Yarra residents are over the age of 50? That’s over 24,000 people who are supported by the actions of Council’s Active and Healthy Ageing Strategy.

Our Active and Healthy Ageing Strategy guides our work to enable people aged 50+ to live well in Yarra. Currently, Council makes a significant investment in supporting older people through:

  • senior citizens centres
  • community transport
  • meal delivery
  • home and community care services
  • social activities
  • recreation facility provision and programs
  • support for clubs and organisations

This Strategy is guided by our commitment made in 2016 to making Yarra an Age-Friendly City as part of the Municipal Association of Victoria’s Age-Friendly Victoria Declaration. Age-Friendly Cities are designed to foster opportunities for older people to enjoy social and economic participation, good health and a sense of belonging and contributing.

What are your priorities?

The most recent Active and Healthy Ageing Strategy 2018-24 is expiring next year and must be renewed for another six years to reflect current community need and the changing landscape of aged care.

We are seeking to understand community expectations of Council within this space to inform the development of the new Active and Healthy Ageing Strategy 2024-2030 and Action Plan 2024/26

Key outcomes of the Active and Healthy Strategy 2018-2024 include:

  • Supporting the Active Ageing Advisory Committee

    We've resourced and convened the Active Ageing Advisory Committee (AAAC) to meet every second month and provide strategic advice to Council.

  • Making our streets safer

    We've constructed level pedestrian crossings on six nominated streets as part of the Local Area Place Making Scheme.

    Pedestrian walk detectors known as Puffins have been implemented at certain locations throughout Yarra. Puffins detect any pedestrian present on the road and extend the walk time to accommodate the pedestrians needs. This results in greater responsiveness to the needs of individuals and improves safety.

  • Helping people make new friends

    We've continued to provide support to older persons groups, mostly with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, to meet regularly in venues across Yarra through Participation Grants.

  • Supporting the University of the Third Age

    We've continued to support of the University of the Third Age (U3A). The U3A have hosted several community forums as part of Seniors Week that drew upon local academics, Council staff and innovators to discuss innovative ways people can age well.

Contact us

Phone: +61 3 9205 5555


National Relay Service 133 677
(ask for 03 9205 5555)

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