This consultation is closed. We used your feedback to inform our Social and Affordable housing Strategy and Implementation Plan
About the project
Have your say about affordable housing in Yarra!
Yarra Council is seeking your feedback on how to include affordable housing in its vision for a healthy, inclusive, prosperous and successful community.
In May 2011 Council endorsed a draft Social and Affordable Housing Strategy and Background Paper to guide its responses to the challenges of making Yarra a place where people want to live now and into the future.
Social and affordable housing is housing that is reasonably adequate in standard and location for lower or middle-income households, and does not cost so much that such a household may not meet other basic living costs on a sustainable basis. Social housing is accommodation that is funded or subsidised by government, including public housing. The draft Strategy is integrated with the City of Yarra Housing Strategy, which provides a strategic approach to planning for and managing housing growth across the municipality, and with other municipal policies and strategies relevant to housing.
For the next three months, Council wants you and your community to contribute its views on what the Strategy should include.
Council is seeking feedback from local residents, visitors, businesses and workers. Council will consider the feedback received and develop a proposed Strategy and Implementation Plan to be considered for adoption by Council in November 2011.
The introductory question below will help start the discussion. Over the coming weeks, further questions will be added to gain feedback and views.
We value your participation and look forward to the many insights the Yarra community will provide.